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Track stock market information right in your Terminal.


As a developer, I love working with the terminal. The plain, simple, and in my opinion the best way to interact with the computer (also it makes you look geeky).

I spent most of my time in the terminal. By now you must have guessed I am a huge fan of the terminal and terminal-based applications.

Recently I developed an interest in stock markets and started tracking the stock markets. Since I love working with the terminal I decided to build a terminal oriented application that can help me to track the stock market.

Inspired by I build terminal-stocks which can provide the stock's current prices, historical prices, and global market summary.

How to use terminal-stocks

terminal-stocks is available and can be used without installation.

Image for post
Current price of stocks

You need to provide the ticker of the stock and terminal-stocks will give you the price information of the stock. terminal-stocks uses yahoo finance’s ticker to fetch stock information.

2. Get the historical prices of a stock.

Image for post
Historical prices

This will give the 10 entries. To fetch more you can get it by providing page parameters like below.


3. Get the global market summary right in your terminal.

Image for post
Global market summary

More and more features will be added going forward.

How to use terminal-stocks as CLI

If you want to use terminal-stocks as a cli tool, you are lucky, terminal-stocks comes with cli as well. You can install terminal-stocks in windows/ubuntu/mac and use it.

npm install terminal-stocks -g

2. Get the price information of stock

terminal-stocks -t ITC.NS

3. Get the historical price information of stock

terminal-stocks -t ITC.NS --historical

4. Get the market summary

terminal-stocks --market

5. Export as JSON or CSV

terminal-stocks --market --json // as a jsonterminal-stocks --ticker ITC.NS --csv // as a csv


terminal-stocks is still in development and need a lot of improvements and feature development.

If you want to contribute and make terminal-stocks better, contributions are welcome via pull request on Github

Important Links:



Thanks for reading. If you have some feedback, please reach out to me on Twitter or Github.

Make sure to upvote on Product Hunt.

Terminal Stocks - Track stock market right in your terminal | Product Hunt

Happy Coding!!!


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