In this post, we will talk about how to effectively maintain your OpenSource projects using tools/softwares which are free to use for OpenSource and the public repositories. Over time, when the project grows you, need to set up a few tools which can help you maintain the project and automate the trivial tasks. 1. Setup CI/CD Having an OpenSource project to which you might b e contributing just as a hobby, but doesn’t mean you don’t need to set up CI/CD pipeline. You don’t need to expend a single dime on servers or need to use cloud services to run your CI/CD. There are a lot of CI/CD tools available free for open source projects and public repositories. One such tool is Travis CI which you can use for setting up CI/CD for your project. Travis CI Travis CI You can run test cases and deploy code to your servers. Travis CI works great and easy to set up the CI/CD pipeline. 2. Code Analysis and Code Quality Maintaining code quality as the project grows can be very hard and time-consumi
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